domingo, 5 de abril de 2015


Dan Ariely tells using two examples what interest conflicts are. The first one is between his doctor and himself to improve the appearance of his burnt face, and the second one is about the decision to select a person for a being human behavior experiment in his lab.
In any lifetime situation we can find conflict of interests. They can be with our family, with our husband or wife, sons and daughters and, parents and, of course, with our family in law. Work time is another source of conflict of interests. We can have them with superiors, with job mates. Our leisure and friends can be too. Although friends as not as too much other people because we have same interests and hobbies which we join them freely.
Conflicts of interests are because we always do things for individually purposes, selfishly. Almost everybody of his World wake up every day with the purpose to get their objectives knowing they are going to clash with other people. It can be a job improvement in the company where they are working.  or to try to convince your partner to go to Spain instead to Scotland to spend your holidays.
Ariely recommends that we identify the areas in our lives where conflicts of interests may rise. So that we can prevent them being aware of why and where we fail because it will allow us to prevent and fix our mistake

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