viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2020


Business ethics.



The boys and girls who study Intermediate Training Cycles must receive quality technical training that allows them to adequately enter the labor market as well as continue comfortably with higher degree studies. They receive knowledge of subjects such as accounting, treasury, computer science and English, among others. But in addition to these, there should be another that not only trains students, but also educates them. This is business ethics, an interdisciplinary subject as it covers the rest of the Cycle curriculum.

The subject “Business Ethics” focuses from a work perspective, leading the student to learn a series of concepts of analysis of moral values ​​linked to business activity and economic development of our society as:

- Corporate Social Responsibility

- Gender difference in the labor market.

- Mobbing.

- Respect for the environment.

- The scams. The pyramid one.

- The halo effects.

- Education and respect.

- Fair work

- The power of multinationals.


The subject focuses on a collective or individual work to achieve the learning of a series of concepts.

This work aims to develop, for the reasoning of the student or for the search on the Internet, some questions on a specific topic given to students and presented before by the teacher in class.

They complement each other by watching films and attending talks that are totally linked to ethics in the business world. Then a series of questions will have to be developed about it in order to go beyond the visualization to develop a reasoning.


It is also tried that the same students look for different material of interest on the subject, to make it more motivating. It can be done can be by the student with the help of the teacher.

I firmly believe in the importance of this subject as students will not only have to apply skills acquired during their years of study, but will also have to develop attitudes at work that will allow them to be as good professionals as good people.