domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013


Una escuela es un lugar económico complejo para ser gestionado. Hay un montón de gente de allí, maestros, profesores, niños y personal de administración y servicios. Además, las familias tienen un papel importante allí también. La gestión de todos y todo es bastante complicada.


         A school is a complex business to be managed. There are a lot of people there, teachers, children, maintenance and administrative workers. In addition, families have an important role in there too. To manage everybody and everything is quite difficult.

          The manager of any school can often fall under in stress. In our centre, we were lucky because we were managed by her. The most remarkable of her was her optimistic attitude.

 At half past eight of every day, when we began our working day, she was saying good morning with a smile in her face. Perhaps situations were bad, but she fought to have a smile.

She was, humble, dedicated, thoughtful and empathetic. She takes care of teachers, children and families. She was predisposed to listen to everyone, and to help them.

The most private schools of our country, as which I am working, have a financially hard situation. Although she suffered it, she didn't tell us anything about it. Despite these kinds of problems, she used to pay for anything we needed.

Nowadays she is the general managers of all schools of her Religious Order. Her management attitude has had her reward. However, I'm convinced, she prefers to live quietly as a prayer noon.

In conclusion a nice simile is the best tool to manage a business.



lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

A person to be admired.


Our job, profession is a very important issue. So it modelled our life in every topics of it.
Have we an example who has been able balanced life and work with vital concerns?

Una persona para ser admirada.

Nuestro trabajo, la profesión es muy importante. Tanto que modela nuestra vida en casi todos los aspectos de ella.
¿Tenemos referentes que han podido equilibrar su trabajo, su profesión con sus inquietudes vitales?

         I have known him for ages. Perhaps I was fourteen when I met him first time. He was our neighbor in my parent’s apartment in Vilassar de Mar.
         I remember he was frank and friendly. And, the most important, he explained us very interesting things about how to do in life to get a healthy happiness. I thanked him he spoke to me as an adult, unless I was a teenager. He was very empathetic. His job was a office manager in Caixa Catalunya bank.
         Since I was married I haven’t kept in touch with him. However I have seen him sometimes when I visit my parents some weekends in the summer.
         One day my father told me he had changed his job. I didn’t understand what he had made. That bank was an assure company for working there for ages. He went to work to an ethical Bank.
Things and situations have changed. That finance company is nowadays in a deeply economic crisis. A lot of workers have been fired out. He had enough courage to change for his idealism. Currently he’s working hardly in his new job and, the most important, he is actually happy to do what he is doing.

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013


We could ask some questions about our currency incomprehensible situation.

¿ Por qué el Euro está  sobrevalorado ?

Nos podríamos preguntar varias cuestiones sobre la incomprensible situación de nuestra moneda.

After the Mario Draghi words "do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. And believe me, it will be enough". That man has a good guy face. So, the euro was rising. It was on July last year. And the euro continues stronger than dollar.

Euro seems doesn‘t affect, a long term, situations as Cyprus crisis or bad news are coming everywhere from the South Europe.

Nevertheless, analysts are saying euro will be down, but, to be honest, I can’t appreciate it.


We can see, In this chart the euro was minimum rate in July 2011 it was approximately 1,20 change. Before Draghi words was 1, 22. We are 1,30 nowadays.
Is it possible to break down more currently situation?

Why is this situation? Does anyone know?

There are some reasons to believe euro is overrated:
-         European GDP is crawling on the floor while USA GDP is rising.
-         European countries have more public debt everyday.
-         There are panics rates in our economic situations as unemployment or domestic consume.
-         Central Banks as Boj (Bank of Japan) and FED are doing expansionist monetary policies
-         A strong euro is not good for exportations and, obviously, Europe needs to sell abroad.
-         The dollar is a safe haven and therefore, to poor growth prospects of the global economy the dollar to appreciate.
-         The European situation seems not ending.

Then, we are expected to wait for a rise of dollar versus euro.

As I was asking, anybody guess to what’s happening?

I attach this blog for an extra opinion about this issue.   (I must recognize it is as good as mine)

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Los 100.000 euros

Chipre fue una prueba, un experimento.
Durante su trágica y profunda semana del pico de la crisis, los diarios estuvieron discutiendo si los depósitos de hasta 100.000 euros estaban excluidos o no de la quita, del impuesto para pagar el crash. Al final se decidió que se excluían, que se salvaban. Así los depositantes no habían de pagar si no tenían más de 100.000 euros.
Y les salió bien. 700.000 ciudadanos de la Unión Europea hicieron de conejillo de Indias.
El ministro alemán de finanzas, entre otros, tomó esta situación como modelo para futuros “saneamientos” de la zona euro.
  ¿Cuál será el siguiente estado a tomar el purgante? ¿Portugal, España?

The 100.000 euros

Cyprus was a test, an experiment.
During his tragic and profound week at the peak of the crisis, newspapers were debating whether deposits up to 100,000 euros were excluded or removed from, the duty to pay the crash. It was finally decided that they were out of it, they were saved. So depositors had to pay if they had more than 100,000 euros.
700,000 citizens of the European Union made ​​guinea pig.
Then the German finance minister, among others, took this as a model for future "reconstructions" of the eurozone.
What will be the next state to take the laxative? Portugal, Spain?

Ya he dicho más de una vez en este blog que hay miedo, mucho miedo. Y no sabemos donde cogernos.
Así nos preguntamos si es sólido el argumento de la seguridad de los 100.000 euros. El artículo de   no ha hecho más que tirar leña al fuego. Está haciendo mucho daño en las Redes. Y cada día nos preguntamos donde está la seguridad.

En principio todos los depósitos bancarios en el estado español están garantizados.

¿Por qué? ¿Cómo? Si una entidad bancaria quebrase, el Fondo de Garantía de Depósitos de Entidades de Crédito pagaría a los depositantes el dinero correspondiente a los mismos hasta 100.000 euros. Es como el FOGASA, pero en vez de sueldos, depósitos bancarios.

¿Qué es este Fondo? Básicamente una entidad, o institución, que “tiene como fin, o por objeto garantizar los depósitos en dinero y en valores u otros instrumentos financieros constituidos en las entidades de crédito, con el límite de 100.000 euros para los depósitos en dinero”

Su página web, adjunta, está muy bien. Aconsejo leerla si tienes tiempo. Y dentro de ella, yendo a podemos leer claramente:

“El importe dinerario garantizado tiene como límite 100.000 euros por depositante en cada entidad de crédito.”

Podemos deducir que el “seguro” es por titular y por entidad bancaria.
Si en el Banco de Valencia hubiese un depósito por 125.000 euros con dos titulares, su garantía abarcaría los 125.000 ya que a cada titular le corresponde 62.5000 euros. Y siendo absolutamente independiente de los depósitos que se puedan tener en otras entidades.

Esto es lo que dice la teoría. Pero tal como ha dicho más de una vez el economista Niño Becerra   no existe en el territorio suficiente dinero para garantizar todos los depósitos de los bancos españoles.

Volveríamos a lo de siempre de los últimos años, a pedir dinero al Banco Central Europeo, cosa que ya ha hecho el estado español. Los famosos 100.000 millones de euros, para el rescate de la banca española. ¿100.000 millones? ¿Sí? Yo ya me pierdo con estas cifras.

¿Nos los darían?

Supongo que sí. Que yo sepa los depositantes de Bankia no han perdido nada después de su quiebra y consiguiente estatalización. Como Catalunya Caixa y la Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo entre otras entidades. Y más después de las palabras de Wolfgang Schäuble, en silla de ruedas por un atentado de un demente.

Quienes si han perdido han sido los accionistas de las entidades. Las participaciones preferentes, subordinadas. Pero, ¿los depósitos?

Hay miedo, mucho miedo, pero hay motivos para ver la luz del túnel. Al menos más que hace un año. Nuestro hermano mayor, Estados Unidos va saliendo, o así parece. El Dow Jones está en máximos. La bolsa español, con sus altibajos, parece que está mejor que hace un año. Las previsiones del FMI, bastante negativas por tradición, perecen decir que en el 2.014 empieza un crecimiento ininterrumpido, lento, pero crecimiento.

Y dejadme vaticinar. La burbuja sudamericana explotará en el 2.016, después del Mundial y la Olimpíadas de Brasil. ¿ el dinero volverá a Europa ? ¡El dinero volverá a Europa!

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013


 It's known a rise of taxes as a consequence of an administration government lack of money. However, “el remedio es peor que la enfermedad” or “pan para hoy, hambre para mañana”


         Last day I received a bank extract which charged about 30 euros. The reason of it was the Social Security of my house worker. We registered her in the Social Security regimen for eight months. Labour authorities said, last year, it was an obligation for everyone, so we did.

         We pay 10 euros per one hour of work to our house worker. It's a good fee. It’s a pre-crisis fee because SD Prat, my professional activity, pays 7, 65 gross euros.

We want and like to be legal, and as a result we have to pay more money as before for the same service. Plus, salaries are reducing. Although we want to be legal, we can’t pay these kinds of taxes. We are made conditional to go to black market. Furthermore I must be concerned about her labour legal contract.

Moreover, as her salary is so high we prefer not to use an external house worker.

Another situation about this tax situation are garages for repairing cars. They are too expensive due to taxes about anything, as rental. We know car reparations are much cheaper in suburbs waste ground

         For conclusion, it's too expensive to be legal. Is it too silly to be legal?

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